
The below information is provided according to §5 of the German Telemediengesetz (TMG). I am responsible for the content according to § 55 Prargraph 2 of the German Staatsvertrag für Rundfunk und Telemedien (RStV). I am not a media outlet and this is a personal Blog.

The postings on this blog are my own and do not necessarily represent the positions, strategies, or opinions of my employer, Motorola Solutions.

It is my private (pro bono) project for the benefit of anyone working with Motorola Solutions radiocommunications equipment such as Channel Partners; customers and hobbyists.

Unless otherwise noted, the text on my blog is available to all under an Attribution Non-commercial ShareAlike 4.0 International licence. Images are generally the copyright of Motorola Solutions and may not be used elsewhere without their (separate) agreement. A number of diagrams and illustrations were created by me and these are also covered by the above Creative Commons licence.

Downloads and copies of this website are generally permitted in the framework of the above Creative Commons licence. Please contact me if you notice a copyright infringement. If I become aware of legal violations, I will remove such content immediately.

Wayne Holmes
c/o Motorola Solutions Germany GmbH
Telco Kreisel 1
65510 Idstein 
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