The first car radio... Thursday, January 30, 2014 Quincy IL (From Wikipedia under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License.) One evening, in 1929, two young men named William Lear ...
MOTOTRBO Test Equipment Friday, January 24, 2014 I am sometimes asked about test equipment for MOTOTRBO - specifically Communications Analyzers. In all cases, existing analogue (only) tes...
MOTOTRBO: Setting up AES Thursday, January 23, 2014 ***UPDATED 30.04.18*** MOTOTRBO offers three types of privacy mechanisms – Basic, Enhanced, and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Ba...
MOTOTRBO Job Tickets Friday, January 17, 2014 Job Ticketing (a.k.a. Work Ticketing) is a menu option in all MOTOTRBO second generation radios* radios which allows customers to manage ...
MOTOTRBO Radio Management: Part 3 Radio Management Overview Tuesday, January 07, 2014 Please see this post which has all the latest information.