What does All Call do? Tuesday, January 29, 2019 All Call sets up a one-way call to all users on the channel or system. This allows a supervisor or dispatcher to instantly make an ...
Capacity Max: Do I need HKVN4313A and HKVN4314A? Wednesday, January 23, 2019 It depends... If you have a system that consists of more than one logical site, then you need one HKVN4313A licence and ξ HKVN4314A lic...
Enhanced Privacy Tuesday, January 22, 2019 Most MOTOTRBO radios supports 3 levels of privacy (encryption): Basic; Enhanced and AES. Certain lower tier models will only Basic and En...
What is a Control Station? Tuesday, January 15, 2019 A Control Station is basically a MOTOTRBO radio connected to a PC. The PC could be running some form of software that handles data and/...