Ugrading to Capacity Max - what kind of server does one need? Tuesday, May 30, 2023 Q. We are on the middle of a Server planning's and because we my come to upgrades of our IP Site systems to Capacity Max what would be ...
A curious problem... Tuesday, May 30, 2023 Q. I manage a MotoTrbo Capacity plus single site system with 4 channels and many users. Radios used are UHF XPR 6000, XPR 7000, XPR 4000, a...
Understanding the technical stuff in a two-way radio datasheet. Wednesday, May 24, 2023 Motorola Solutions produces (detailed) datasheets for all radio devices. On the last page, there is a table with all kinds of technical data...
New radio: R2 Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The R2 was introduced last week in the EMEA region. This will eventually replace the DP1400 but both models will be available for a while I...
A question about the HP MSR2003 Thursday, May 11, 2023 Q. I need to build a mototrbo LCAP+ radio network (2 sites). This is a recommendation from MOTOROLA for the purchase of this HP MSR2003 JG4...
Using WAVE PTX and DMR. Tuesday, May 02, 2023 Q. I've just read your blog on WAVE PTX and DMR interop ( ). With rega...