We have two DR 3000 stand alone repeaters which randomly block transmission on their own
[Q] We have two DR 3000 stand alone repeaters which both randomly block transmission on their own, this happens both in analogue and digital.
When this happens we have to go and physically turn them off. Sometimes after 30/40 minutes of TX they reset themselves.
The current firmware release is R2.09, no IP network site and the channel is mixed mode, we are aware that it could be a firmware problem, but we are unable to install the most recent version pre SUM R2.10.10.
My question is:
1-is there a known hardware problem due to TX blocking on DR3000?
2- what is the latest version that can be installed before SUM and after SUM.
[A] DR3000 production was discontinued in 2015 and support ended in 2022. However, unless the repeater was covered by a maintenance agreement, it would not be possible to upgrade beyond firmware version R02.10.00.13.
I am not aware of a hardware problem that would cause the symptoms you describe. My only suggestion would be to look at the repeater alarms to see what is happening. Without more details we can only speculate.
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