Any tool or way to debug MotoTRBO repeaters?

[Q] Do you know, if there is any tool or way to debug MotoTRBO repeaters like DR3000 or SLR5500 working in IP Site Connect network, especially to know why repeater receives UDP packets, but does not send voice to connected handheld radios? I have used WireShark to sniff the traffic and i have seen MASTER_REG_REQ/MASTER_REG_REPLY packets, next PEER_LIST_REQ and PEER_LIST_REPLY packet with list of repeaters connected to the master, containing my repeater, and then GROUP_VOICE packets, but no voice is heard on handheld radios nor any reaction on the display.

[A] For anyone else reading this, the person asking is using these (unofficial) dissectors.

There is no tool that I am aware of which will do this for you.

One thing you failed to mention is whether the repeater is transmitting when those GROUP_VOICE packets are received? If not, then it could be a networking or repeater configuration problem.
Also does the repeater pass voice between local (same site) users?

Potentially, a SDR set to receive on the repeater transmit frequency will show you what the repeater is actually transmitting if anything.

There is AirTracer but all this will do is create a log, the contents of which are unreadable. AirTracer simply grabs diagnostic information from the connected radio and allows a Motorola Solutions support technician to determine the possible root cause for a failure.

There is also a method to pull a log from the repeater but this data is also not readable and can only be used by a Motorola Solutions support technician to determine the possible root cause for a failure in the repeater at least

IP Site Connect is mature as far as software development goes, so the probability of something wrong in the software is low. This then points to either a networking problem; configuration error or hardware.

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