Is there an option to have dispatcher radios switch to all call for a minute after a specific radio transmits?

[Q] I read your post. Is there an option to have dispatcher radios switch to "all call" for a minute after a specific radio (our tone generator) transmits.

[A] The short answer is no.

The longer answer is that this is not part of the radio feature set and to do it would require a bespoke solution using some custom software on the Generic Option Board. I am of course, assuming that the dispatcher radios in question are radios that support option boards (eg. DM2600 and DM4000/e).

The software would come from an Authorised Application Partner. If you click on the APPS link above, it will take you to our application catalogue where you can find details about these companies. This link will take you directly to the North American page.

Basically, the way the above would work (at least in my head) would be as follows:

The dispatcher radios are all fitted with the option board.
The option board runs some software that looks at the incoming voice calls. Whenever a X call is received from radio Y, the option board changes the channel to Channel 2 for Z minutes.
After Z minutes, the radio reverts back to the previous channel.
All the dispatch radio channels are configured the same, except that channel 2 has the TX contact set to All Call.

Note that all radios will respond to an All Call no matter how they are configured. All Cal is a one way call to all radios on the same channel or same trunked system.

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